As Maureen and I were thinking about what painting we could use for our Christmas card this year, we realized that we had already used my previous Christmas-themed pieces, so I started to ponder what would be an appropriate subject.
Whenever I consider doing a "Christmas" or other religious-themed painting, I try to approach them with an attitude of reverence, and try to make myself worthy of the inspiration I seek. Each such experience has helped me to grow in my understanding and has provided me a new perspective and humility.
This experience was no different. It didn't take long for this composition to distill in my mind and before I knew it, it was out of my head and onto the canvas! Once again, the sacredness and veracity of this event were confirmed in my heart. May the tenderness of the Christmas season bring hope to all who ponder its significance ... may we always be able to find room for Him in our lives! Acrylic on canvas 15" x 30".